We’d like to take a few minutes of your time to introduce you to our customer centric ambassador team. They are working behind the scenes every day to bring you quality, all-natural supplements and share the Übee story across our website, social profiles and our monthly newsletter. Let them introduce their selves below.
MARY TWOHEY-Partner Owner, Customer Service, Sales (center)
Being from a military family, it was an honor to serve as a gunnersmate in the Navy before my discharge in San Diego. Two years later, a spinal cord injury from a dirt bike accident changed my direction. As a C67 quadriplegic, I completed my BA in Anthropology at San Diego State University then relocated to Florida. I volunteered at the county recycling department before being hired to help other folks with disabilities at Disability Achievement Center for over 20 years.
Now after 30 years of SCI and a compromised digestive tract, I strive to be as healthy as possible. Ubee Nutrition’s commitment to products with vegetable caps & pure ingredients resonated with me. Finding high-quality vitamins for folks with compromised systems at affordable prices is a concern for many. I’m very proud to be part-owner of this great business that provides quality plant-based nutritional supplements that contribute to better wellness for every body.
The best part is hearing from consumers about their health improvements after using our products! We care about our customers, products, and impact on the earth.
Lee Hardin-Ambassador (left)
I had a snow skiing accident in 1990, resulting in a spinal cord injury at C6/7. I started playing Quad Rugby immediately after completing my rehabilitation at Tampa General Hospital. I was a sales representative for the Roho company for almost 10 years. Over the years, I have played a lot of Wallyball and done many miles of Handcycling. On one of my Handcycling adventures, I made friends with a fellow hand cyclist from the UK. We decided to start a small business together on one of his annual holidays in Florida. In 2009 I moved to England for a couple of years to work on our business venture.
After returning home, I started to help organize the local SCI support group. Mary, a member of our support group, introduced me to the folks at Ubee Nutrition. I was very impressed with the quality of their hand-crafted products sold at affordable prices. The product that first caught my eye was ProFlow. As I have aged, urinary tract infections were becoming a problem. My bladder was not emptying, resulting in frequent infections. The UTIs got so bad that I was on IV antibiotics twice. I switched to catheters, which solved my fluid retention issue, but they still introduced infectious bacteria to my system. That is why I was so excited to find ProFlow. It has allowed me to maintain a healthy bladder while eliminating the antibiotics. I take ProFlow twice a day, and if I feel a UTI starting, I up my dosage and drink plenty of water to flush the harmful bacteria away. I have not taken antibiotics for years.
So, when Mary and the folks at Ubee asked me to become an ambassador to help spread the word about their products. I happily said yes.
Illana-Ambassador (right)
I was diagnosed with a rare spinal cord tumor at levels C2-C7. After a lengthy surgery and a 60% mortality rate, I adopted a “new normal.” Quadriplegia, Teteraparesis, Hemi, incomplete among the mass of titles I earned. My “new normal” became a lifetime commitment to physical therapy, aqua therapy, hippotherapy, massage therapy, adaptive yoga, pilates, and wheelchairs.
I found Ubee Nutrition through a promotion for Vitamin C that featured Mary Twohey as a quadriplegic woman who was part owner. Since I live near the facility, I opted to pick it up and meet Mary. I was very impressed with the philosophy, freshness, purity, and pricing Ubee Nutrition offered. Soon I started taking Proflow, and it’s been a year since I’ve taken antibiotics. For many years, I was taking doses almost every three months.
Dedicated to living my best life, I take Ubee Nutrition supplements as part of my daily routine, and I feel GREAT!